详细可以看这篇文章 详解CATransformLayer
/* CoreAnimation - CATransformLayer.h
Copyright (c) 2006-2016, Apple Inc.
All rights reserved. */
#import <QuartzCore/CALayer.h>
/* "Transform" layers are used to create true 3D layer hierarchies.
* Unlike normal layers, transform layers do not project (i.e. flatten)
* their sublayers into the plane at Z=0. However due to this neither
* do they support many features of the 2D compositing model:
* - only their sublayers are rendered (i.e. no background, contents,
* border)
* - filters, backgroundFilters, compositingFilter, mask, masksToBounds
* and shadow related properties are ignored (they all assume 2D
* image processing of the projected layer)
* - opacity is applied to each sublayer individually, i.e. the transform
* layer does not form a compositing group.
* Also, the -hitTest: method should never be called on transform
* layers (they do not have a 2D coordinate space into which to map the
* supplied point.) CALayer will pass over transform layers directly to
* their sublayers, applying the effects of the transform layer's
* geometry when hit-testing each sublayer. */
CA_CLASS_AVAILABLE (10.6, 3.0, 9.0, 2.0)
@interface CATransformLayer : CALayer